Chesterfield Food Bank – Talk

Jacqueline Deveaux, Operations Manager, is giving an illustrated talk in the church about the Chesterfield Food Bank on Thursday 7th November.  The talk starts at 2.00pm and tea/coffee and cake will be served afterwards. Please come along and bring family and friends to hear about this important work which St Andrew's supports.

Mental Health Awareness Day

East Midlands Synod is offering this important Mental Health Training Day at St Andrew's Church.  It will be led by Dr Cheryl Hawkins, a Christian mental health professional and will focus on how churches can welcome and support people who may sometimes struggle with their mental health. The day runs from 10.00am to 3.30pm and. […]

10.30am Sunday Worship for Remembrance Sunday on 10th November

Our Sunday worship on Remembrance Sunday is a Scout Parade Service.  It starts at 1.30am to allow time for the Scouts to attend the service at the Newbold War Memorial at 12.00noon.  This years's service will be led by our Church Secretary Liz Sharples.

All are welcome