Members of all the churches in the North Derbyshire Resource Area joined in a warm and lively service of welcome to their new minister, Revd Caroline Andrews, on 20th March 2022 at St Andrews. Members of Caroline’s family, her friends and members of her former church at Saltaire were warmly welcomed to the service which was led by East Midlands Synod Moderator, Revd Geoffrey Clarke. The sermon was preached by Dr Pat Nichols who commended Caroline to the churches. Caroline gave a well received statement of her commitment to serve the churches and encourage their mission. A choir formed of members from the churches sang before and during the service and readings and prayers were given by members of the churches. At the close of the service, baskets of flowers were presented to Caroline and to Revd Camilla Veitch who had supported the churches as Interim Moderator for the previous four years.
Light refreshments were served in the Church Hall after the service.
A retiring collection for the Disasters Emergency Committee’s Appeal for Ukraine raised £470.
A recording of the service cane watched on YouTube at: