Morning Worship loosely follows what might be called the normal reformed pattern. This is by no means a rigid pattern, and worship leaders are encouraged to vary the order and presentation of their services to enhance the worship experience. Drama and poetry are welcome variations.
The Hymn Book mainly used is Rejoice and Sing and Complete Mission Praise is also available. With advance warning other hymns can be printed on the order of service.
Below you can download an Alphabetical list of hymns and their numbers in PDF format
(which you can search in your Foxit or Acrobat reader)
St Andrew’s usually has several children attending morning worship who enjoy participating in the Children’s Address. If there are no children present, the adults are content in being God’s Children – so a Children’s Address is not out of place.
Congregation asked to stand to receive the Word of God (Bible is carried in)
Call to Worship
Prayers – Adoration & Confession
Introduction/Children’s address
Offering (after which children leave for Junior Church)
Prayers – Thanksgiving and Intercession
The congregation remains standing while the Bible is carried out, still open.
The pulpit secretary will pass the hymns to the organist/pianist and the Bible readings to the readers