Donations at our Commitment for Life service on 2nd October and our Christmas Christian Aid collection totalled an amazing £622.50. Thank you to everyone who contributed.
Revd Dr Kevin Snyman led our Commitment for Life Service. Kevin is the United Reformed Church Programme Officer for Commitment for Life and brought first hand news of the projects supported by Commitment for Life. Donations totalled £328. We held a further collection for Christian Aid at the Carols for Candlelight Service which raised nearly £284.50
Commitment for Life is the United Reformed Church’s global justice programme. 75% of the funding raised goes to Christian Aid to support the most vulnerable people build a more secure life for their communities in Zimbabwe, Israel and the Palestinian Territories and Bangladesh. 5% helps Global Justice Now advocate for economic and climate justice. The other 20% covers education, grants, advocacy and administration. Supporting Commitment for Life is part of our commitment as an Eco-Church and as a United Reformed Church.
For more information go to the Commitment for Life page on the United Reformed Church website: