All are welcome to our Christmas services and events. Our preparations start with our Advent Sunday service at 11.00am on 28th November. We will light the first candle in our Advent ring that day and another candle will be lit on each Sunday up to Christmas. On Saturday 4th December we are holding a Coffee Morning and Foodbank Collection. Remember that as winter approaches with cuts to Universal Credit and rising inflation, too many families will be experiencing food hunger. Please give generously. We will also put up our Christmas tree and children are invited to come and help decorate it.
On the Sunday before Christmas, 19th December, we are holding a Family service in the morning at 11.00am when the children will be taking part. In the evening we will once again hold our Carols by Candlelight service at 6.30pm, after cancelling it last year due to the pandemic. Our Christmas Day service is at 10.30am and will be led by our own member, Dr Alex Harrow.
The collection for Christian Aid at the Carols by Candlelight service raised £236.15. Christian Aid writes: ‘Your gift will help families in South Sudan and around the world stand strong with more boreholes for clean water, farming tools and seeds, and the chance to set up a small business. Thank you!’