St Andrew’s registered for the Eco-Church award scheme two years ago and at the time there were some significant gaps in our responses to the five sections of the environmental survey. Since then we have made marked improvements to the insulation, heating and lighting of the premises. We have taken steps to encourage all our user groups to recycle paper, card and glass. We regularly share ideas on ways we can address climate change and improve the environment in worship and in children’s activities. We use Fairtrade tea and coffee and we support organisations engaged in addressing the effects of climate change in various parts of the world, such as Christian Aid. St Andrew’s Ramblers get people out and about in the countryside. Members of the congregation belong to various organisations such as the RSPB and the Derbyshire Wildlife Trust. This month by planting a tree, hanging up a bird feeder, protecting nesting birds, and growing plants which attract bees and butterflies we are starting to make our garden more wildlife friendly. We plan to reach out to other local groups addressing the same issues.
In our church newsletter and on the website we will provide ‘Eco-tips’ and provide updates on our work to achieve an Eco-Church Award.